
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-27
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关键词: 应收账款;信用管理;建筑型企业


Abstract:Two basic modes of credit and cash sales in the enterprise sales process. Credit that credit sales reinforce the corporate market competition position and strength, to broaden the scope of corporate sales and alleviate pressure on the stock, and many other form of settlement can not match advantage, mismanagement, excessive blind credit will inevitably lead to the enterprise has a large number of accounts receivable, receivables is a very common corporate assets, overdue receivables and no real sense enable enterprises to achieve revenue, compared to cash sales, before the recoverability of the receivables, and will face certain risks, therefore, how scientific and effective accounts receivable management, has become an important discussion of a variety of enterprise financial management issues.

   At present, few studies for building enterprise receivables management, the existing research is mainly focused on the specification of building enterprise system of accounts receivable management, macro and micro analysis of building enterprise receivables is rare. This study broadens the field of study of building enterprise accounts receivable management, to fill the lack of building enterprise receivables research in the field of macroeconomic analysis, illustrate the correlation between receivables and business credit management and Contact, sort out the accounts receivable and its sources of risk theory to determine the standard in the company's risk management, accounts receivable management provides a the macro theoretical basis and practical significance.

Keywords  Accounts receivable  credit management  building enterprise


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本文的研究拓宽了建筑型企业应收账款管理的研究领域,填补了建筑型企业应收账款研究领域中的宏观分析的不足,说明应收账款与企业信用管理之间的相关性与联系性,理清应收账款......
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