
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:喜欢天天 更新时间:2014-02-28
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关键词  内部控制;优化措施;上上电缆集团


Abstract:In recent years, the concept of internal control gradually penetrated into every field of enterprise management, becoming an indispensable part of modern enterprise management. But false accounting, economic crime, serious distortion of accounting information make some vast business empire vanish from the eyesight of people, such as Sanlu poison milk powder events, financial crisis of 999 Group, Huayuan Group's credit crisis, China Aviation Oil losses events, which are destroyed under the accounting scandal, not only destroy the social and economic development, also take the accounting profession to shame. How to strengthen the internal control, improve internal management level, promote steady and orderly development of social economy and maintain the accounting professional credibility has become the urgent issue.

   This work firstly elaborates the research background of internal control and its related theory, including the connotation of the internal control evolution, development, principles, elements and importance; On this basis, taking Shangshang Cable Group co, LTD for an example, internal control present situation and existing problems are described and analyzed, and points out its weak internal control environment with internal control management consciousness, incomplete internal system, lack of risk awareness and risk assessment mechanism. And then the environment of internal control recommendations is optimized, however, an effective internal control system must be based on the actual situation and applied it to solve these problems in early phase as soon as possible.

Keywords  Internal Control  Optimization Measures  Shangshang Cable Group


上传会员 喜欢天天 对本文的描述:本文首先阐述了内部控制的研究背景,并对内部控制的相关理论,包括内部控制的内涵、发展演进、原则要素以及重要性进行了分析;在此基础上,对江苏上上电缆集团有限公司内部控......
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