
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:喜欢天天 更新时间:2014-02-28
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关键词 会计政策;财务状况;会计政策选择


Abstract:Accounting policies are generally used to guide the preparation of financial statements and conducting a series of accounting principles,procedures and methods.Enterprises have the right to choose accounting policies intention to let the company’s financial position and operating results can be objectively reflect the real,but in reality has become a management tool for authorities to gain an unfair advantage,increasing the accounting information distortion,resulting in a poor economic consequences.Therefore,studying accounting policy choices affect the financial position of the enterprise first help people to understand the motives enterprises choose accounting policies;secondly favor securities regulatory oversight bodies,only to understand its impact on the financial position,management agencies to supervise the implementation of process standards will give special attention to bring the company’s financial position significantly affect the accounting policies can be targeted;final study accounting policies affect the financial position of the enterprise for the information users provide more conducive to decision-making.

Keywords   Accounting policy choice  Financial situation  Accounting policy choice


上传会员 喜欢天天 对本文的描述:通过对会计政策的选择对企业财务状况的影响研究,有效解决现实中利用会计政策选择操纵利润现象,从而客观、完整、真实地反映企业财务状况和经营成果,使相关的会计信息使用者......
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