
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:喜欢天天 更新时间:2014-02-28
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关键词 可的便利店;存货管理;改善措施


Abstract:Inventory in a large proportion of each enterprise liquid assets, the management of inventory also became the focus of the work of each enterprise's internal control. With the rhythm of people's living is speeding up, chain stores because of its characteristics of fast and convenient in the industry developing rapidly, more and more people choose to go to the convenience store instead of supermarket. To the convenience store, the inventory management as a important part of the operating management is the key factors of the competition in the industry. This paper, starting from the present situation of Shanghai Kedi Convenience Store Co. Ltd., analysis of its inventory management problems, according to these problems put forward feasible improvement measures, in order to strengthen Kedi Convenience Store's inventory management to provide reference.

Keywords  Kedi Convenience Store  Inventory Management  Improve Measures




上传会员 喜欢天天 对本文的描述:本文是在大量研究已有的,关于存货管理的中外期刊论文、著作等文献资料的基础上,找准研究问题的切入点,力求以新的视角分析问题,并找出如何有效优化企业存货管理中存在的问......
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