
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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Abstract:With China's economic development, people's living standards improve, the demand for real estate is showing a growing trend, the real estate industry, the rapid expansion of assets, but at the same time the country has gradually strengthen macro-control of the real estate industry, real estate companies in financial crisis increase the possibility. At home and abroad has been a lot of research on the financial risks and the financial risk management system, generally recognized and the financial risk management system for the design and management of financial risk in the process of financial activities to identify, assess and respond risk, ignoring the risk prevention and financial activities before carrying out financial activities summarized the work, establish and improve the company's financial risk management system, to prevent the tragedy of others staged himself still need to continue efforts.

   This paper, drawing on the basis of the results of previous studies, real estate companies should pay attention to financial risk management in advance and post-management, that is, before carrying out financial activities for a careful analysis of the external environment and internal environment of the company, after the end of the financial activities of the company financial management activities, information systems and internal control system to improve in order to establish a more complete set of financial risk management system. Century building, for example, analysis of the financial position of the Century Construction Company, and propose how to establish a more complete financial risk management system.

Keywords: Financial risk  Real estate  Risk management system

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:作为房地产行业,是具有特殊性的,所以在对房地产行业进行财务风险管理的时候不能仅仅套用其他行业的一般模式,否则将会出现大的误差影响公司的运营。同时,由于房地产在中国......
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