
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-28
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Abstract:Rational assets structure function as a necessary condition that keep enterprises operation normal and help realize sound cycle of their economic activities. It has praetieal significance to research the relationship between the assets structure and the performance of the listed companies are not rational enough, it seriously menaces the existence and development of enterprise, and yields unfavorable affection upon the entire national economy. This article based on the theory of assets structure, analysis methods used to study directly under the listed company Nantong xiandai ocean ships in 2008, following the financial turmoil crisis in operating difficulties and problems. 2011 2012 Nantong xiandai ocean shipping company has been selected by several financial indicators of change, compared to companies with business in the industry. Reference the company's investments and asset disposition, case study, Nantong xiandai ocean shipping structure and business assets of the company conducted a comprehensive analysis of the relationship. Eventually put forward rationalization proposals.

Keywords:assets structure  optimize  corpotate operate

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:在国外,有关资产结构的优化和资产结构管理的研究始于20世纪末,具有代表性的研究成果是德国科而尼国际管理咨询公司的精益资产管理,他们通过对60家德国企业近五年财务状况的分......
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