
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-28
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关键词 应收账款;控制;管理 


Abstract:The development of modern commerce acerbates the fierce competition between companies, and sales develop rapidly in this case. It leads to a large number of accounts receivable, which has the risk of not being received in the future. Current asset is an import part of account receivable, so its influence can not be ignored. Many companies in our country have no strong awareness of account receivable management, and even some companies lead to financial crisis.

  Affected by the downturn in the industry, the amount of receivables generated by the Qingdao soda ash industrial is increasing rapidly. Accounts receivable management is increasingly becoming an import part of company management. Due to the influence of the external environment and internal various factors , the Qingdao soda ash industrial in accounts receivable management has a series of problems, such as low accounts receivable turnover ratio, a long aging time and accounting for the proportion of current assets.

  This paper has a deep research on Qingdao soda ash industrial. This article first introduces the purpose and research methods, then describes accounts receivable related theory then analyzes and find out what causes the problem. Finally it proposes the management suggestions in details.  

Keyword   Accounts receivable   Control   Management 

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:青岛碱业近几年经营不善出现严重亏损,资金周转不灵也是一个重要因素。应收账款数额较大,不能及时回收妨碍了资金的正常周转与使用。这也是决策层和财务人员和财务人员一直关......
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