
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-15
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关键词 财务分析方法;分析指标;财务比率综合分析法


Abstract:With the rapid development of Chinese hotel industry, hotel industry has a great role in promoting the development of national economy and society as a whole. And the hotel listing Corporation as the market leader in hotel management industry, the overall level of profitability and development potential and their performance can reflect the hotel management industry in some extent. Learning from modern financial analysis methods, at the current China hotel industry as the background, with Shanghai Hanting Guancheng Hotel Management Company as research sample, analysis the company’s financial analysis methods through the sides of solvency analysis, profitability analysis,and operation ability analysis. By studying You can see the operating results, financial situation and the future development trend of Hanting Guancheng through these financial analysis method, these has the certain instruction function to the management and convenient managers to make appropriate decisions on the operation and development of enterprises in the future. Those Can also provide reference for investors whether or not to Hanting stock and present the development strategies of enterprise future.

   On this basis, due to the complex business problems, many factors such as times change,  Hanting Guancheng still has a lot of problems in the financial analysis, some inevitable problems and some human problems. Due to these, on the one side, we improve the methods of financial analysis currently used , on the other side, we introduce some new financial analysis methods.

Keywords  Financial analysis    Analysis index    Financial ratio analysis

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:作为酒店管理业中“领军羊”的酒店管理上市公司,其整体的获利能力和发展潜力通过企业经营业绩的好坏表现出来。恰当有效的财务分析方法既可以合理判断企业经营成果和财务状况......
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