
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-16
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关键词 审计风险;成因;控制


Abstract:The control of CPA audit risk contributes to the sound development of the audit profession. The paper bases on the Present researches of domestic audit risk, which describes the basic theory of the meaning of the audit risk and characteristics and basic audit model, such as the traditional audit model and the modern risk-oriented model. As Kunshan Fengrui CPA for example, the paper identify the audit risks impact factors of Kunshan Fengrui CPA. In Certified Public Accountants, Certified Public Accountants dose not have enough professional skills and lack of professional ethics. In aspect of CPA, the non-standard audit procedures and risk assessment is not comprehensive, as while as audit sampling methods are not comprehensive and reward system are unreasonable. The Company's internal control system is imperfect and the preparation of financial statements is not standardized and fraud. We should take some measures to control the risk. We must have a comprehensive understanding of audit risk, followed by attention should be paid to the assessment of the risks of material misstatement, which cautious to undertake the business, scientific design audit sampling methods, and strengthen communication with customers. In External environment, we need to improve the legal and regulatory mechanisms, but also add audit third-party trustor to improve the independence of the audit.

Keywords  Audit risk  Causes  Control

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:目前,学术界对于审计风险的研究还没有统一的定论,虽然对于审计风险的成因作出了大量的研究,但是理论的发展远没有实际的审计工作发展的快。对于审计风险的理论研究是必要的......
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