
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-16
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Abstract:Accounting standards and tax laws and regulations guide accounting staff to do accounting treatment, the conflicts between accounting standards and tax laws and regulations and how to coordinate them has been the focus of everyone’s attention. Handling of accounting standards and tax laws and regulations conflicts not only is one of the important matters about enterprises and tax departments, but also is far-reaching significance to the development of the whole social economy. So how to deal with the conflicts and the coordination between accounting standards and tax laws and regulations is crucial.

   First, this article narrated the background, framework and methods and so on between accounting standards and tax laws and regulations. Secondly, defined the concepts of the accounting standards and tax laws and regulations and so on, and discussed three basic relationships between them. Then, did a simple introduce to the research object of this article-Shanghai Jia’an PPE Co. LTD, at the basic of listing eight kinds of VAT should be regarded as sales behavior, from the perspective of VAT analyzing this company’s business process about VAT should be regarded as sales behavior, simply explaining conflicts between accounting standards and tax laws and regulations. Finally, on the basis of before the analysis of the argument, from necessity, ideas and strategies, three aspects of this paper, putting forward the imagination of coordinating conflicts between accounting standards and tax laws and regulations.

Keywords  Accounting standards  Tax laws and regulations  VAT

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:本论文主要是通过研究会计准则与税收法规在我国首个“营改增”试点--上海市市内一家典型小公司的运用,结合相关理论研究现状,发现其两者间的矛盾,并提出协调两者矛盾的相关建......
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