
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-25
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关键词:房地产  税务筹划  生产经营


ABSTRACT:Over the past decade, housing prices continue to rise, so that the real estate industry began to emerge in the public view, and stubbornly high prices, leaving the real estate industry's every move by a high degree of attention. With the continuing reform of the tax system and improve the real estate business into a comprehensive tax constrained market liberal competitive environment. Any business, are the main targets for profit, in the case of legitimate enterprises should be done to minimize the tax burden, so that operation of the business and profitability have helped. In the business-tax figures attention, corporate tax planning and its importance has become increasingly prominent role in resistance, within the prescribed legal provisions, reduce the corporate tax burden as much as possible.

   Nothing more than one of the real estate industry, is also trying through legal channels to seek low-tax, high-efficient financial solutions business, while corporate financial tax planning has become a hot topic in the field of management, reasonable tax avoidance has become a enterprise key financial direction.

   The main subject of the theoretical basis for the analysis of tax planning, estate tax planning for a listed status, feasibility, basic analysis of the work to explore the real estate industry, tax planning for exploration.

Keywords: real estate; tax planning; production management

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:税收筹划作为企业一种理性的理财选择己经越来越受到重视,但实践过程中存在着诸多有待解决的问题。本人意在结合企业自身经营情况,对某上市房地产企业税务筹划进行分析研究......
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