
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-25
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关键词:增值税转型 运输业 利弊影响 对策


ABSTRACT:Added-value tax is for selling goods or providing processing, repairs and replacement services, and import cargo units and individuals in its implementation of appreciation impose a tax. in our current value-added tax and business tax and tax policy, due to the VAT tax scope too narrow, lead to deduction of VAT chain is broken, This will greatly affect exploit the advantages of VAT. however, the most industries in the tertiary industry on the implementation of tax by the tax change paid VAT this major initiatives in 2012, have huge impact on transportation industry. this article through to the VAT to in-depth analysis and study of the impact of the transport industry, starting from the particularity of value-added tax, gives you a deeper understanding of VAT to the impact of the transportation industry in our country. on this basis, through the analysis and study of real cases, further elaborated VAT incurred on the pros and cons of transportation industry impacts and reasons for the formation, and then according to the problems existing in the aspects give some of the corresponding countermeasures. this research can be solve the goods and services can't offset double taxation issues, is advantageous to the socialization of professional division of labor, optimize the industrial structure, promote the development of the real economy to promote economic restructuring and improve the national comprehensive strength has important theoretical significance and meaning.

Keyword: VAT ;Transportation;Pros and cons of impact;Countermeasure

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:通过几个月的试点情况后发现该政策对大部分企业的税负有明显的下降,而且增加了各企业的核心竞争力,但是对于运输业来说,此次的营业税改征增值税并没有带来多少好处,反而还......
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