
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-10
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关键词:超市  会计信息


Abstract:Supermarket as a new retail model,Since the nineties, the rapid development in China, and the increasingly improved. He's healthy development and living increasingly close relationship, and increasingly into commercial circulation of a force to be reckoned.But in the course of its development there are not neglected. Supermarkets accounting information is one of the more serious problem. Supermarkets accounting information is an integral part of the economic information is collected for the purpose of accounting management, processing, finishing of a variety of data. Accounting information as information of a kind, there are general characteristics of information have their own characteristics.For policy-makers and users are very important, and if his distortion of accounting information so the consequences are very serious. So we need to look at the supermarket led to the causes distortion of accounting information and how to prevent or minimize the consequences of accounting distortion.

Key word: Supermarket Accounting Information



上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:对于决策者和使用者都非常重要,如果会计信息失真那么他引起的后果是非常严重的。因此我们有必要研究一下导致超市会计信息失真的原因和怎样杜绝或者尽量减少会计失真造成的后......
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