
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-10
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Abstract:Since the internal control mode comes into being, it has attracted the attention of people. Inventories are one of the assets which are high mobility of business, it has positive significance that constantly improve the internal control system for companies to achieve operational objectives, and implementing the management policy and decision-making to ensure that legitimate financial income and expenditure, improving the profitability of corporate capital, maintaining security and integrity of current assets.

   Based on above background, the thesis tries to introduce the recent foreign production with the information of Volkswagen FAW Engine (dalian) Co., Ltd , and make a systemic and signification research on the inventory internal control from the aspect of the risk-oriented.

   Firstly, the thesis talks about the present theory of research on internal control of inventory. Then, the author discusses the design of the inventory internal control with the information of the company, including the inventory business process. The author found that there has risk-management issues on this company. Finally, the author makes recommendations to improve the internal control of inventories.

Key words: Internal Control ;Inventory ;Risk management


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:综述内部控制及存货内部控制的相关理论,然后结合调研取得的资料系统的分析存货内部控制的流程,笔者发现该公司的存货内部控制在风险管理方面存在问题。最后对大众一汽发动机......
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