
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-08
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Abstract:Credit is the enterprise for strengthening the position in the market and the strength, the expanded sale, increases the income, reduce inventory and is widely used in an sales mode. In order to reduce trade risk and increase profits for the final goal. But the positive role of the selling on credit also produce risk. So, it should sell on credit management in the process of advance on detailed, during and after the event, analysis. Key in the selling on credit should be fully investigated by advance learn the user's financial status, credit record, the repayment ability objectively evaluate the circumstance such as the selling on credit risk, and set up a corresponding monitoring system, prevent the generation of the selling on credit risk and in the accounts receivable generated after can reasonable use of marketing management means speed up the capital cage, reduce the cost of credit; And in the overdue accounts receivable generated after can take the positive and effective means to try to resolve the accounts receivable to maximum reduce the loss of the enterprise. At present our country market order is not standard, the lack of mature social credit management system, thus leading to the enterprise credit risk everywhere, any link mistakes are may give enterprise cause irreparable damage, so to strengthen the credit management is the selling on credit each enterprise must pay close attention to the issue.

Keywords: sell on credit management, credit management, accounts receivable




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:目前我国的市场秩序还不规范,缺乏成熟的社会信用管理体系,从而导致企业赊销中的风险无处不在,任何一个环节的失误都可能会给企业造成无法挽回的损失,所以加强赊销信用管理......
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