
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-08
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Abstract:Individual income tax is based on the individual taxable year income above 120000 for a tax levied. Its main role is to adjust the income distribution, the ability of people with different income, income is also different, much more tax, income less the less tax. However, China 's personal income tax in regulating income distribution function is also very weak, with 80% wealth rich pay personal income tax is less than10% of total personal income tax, Our country high income does not become the state personal income tax. As a result of tax consciousness and management means is backward, more because of the high income people, more channels, transfer allocation form is changeable, concealment, cash transactions, a variety of grey black trades frequent, China's personal income tax taxpayers wage-earners become tax is the main force, most of the working of the high income should pay personal income tax is not paid close up. Individual income tax from the organization income or to adjust the income distribution, did not play its due role, did not show a fair tax burden.

   This article from the individual income tax collection and management current situation, on the problems in administration to find the reason and analysis, combined with foreign individual income tax collection and management to strengthen the collection and management experience tries to put forward the proposal of a few shallow.

Key Words:Personal income tax, high income earners, self declaration 


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文将从高收入者个人所得税征管现状,就征管中存在的问题寻找原因并作分析,结合外国高收入者个人所得税征管经验试提出加强征管的几点粗浅的建议。......
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