
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-21
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关键词:工作策略 审计流程 中外对比


Abstract:In this paper, from a critical perspective, using inductive and deductive method, literature research method and case study method to audit strategy in-depth exploration and research. Through to the Chinese and foreign audit strategy of foreign audit strategy, clear the similarities and differences, learn from each other, summed up a proper audit strategy is the core of this article. Throughout the audit strategy development history, in the different historical period, because of the social and economic structure of different period, different audit information using the group form is different, different periods of audit strategy is also different. In summary, research audit strategy have far-reaching theoretical significance.

Key words: strategy audit process comparison




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本文从严谨的角度出发,采用归纳和演绎结合法、文献研究法与实例探究法分别对审计工作策略进行深入探讨和研究。通过对中外审计工作策略的研究,明确中外审计工作策略的异同,......
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