
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-02
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Abstract:Accounting information disclosure is one of the hot topics in accounting, it begins with accounting naissance. How to disclose accounting information with true, fair and full is one of the problems that puzzle accounting persons, High efficiency information disclosure impacts on the capital market, perfect capital market can’t exist without the high quality information disclosure. The development of technology and economic drives the enterprise computerized. Manual accounting information flow has been made great change, so being the aim of information system accounting information disclosure has been affected,. The accounting information disclosure that based on the network environment has been the major manner of disclosure. Through researching on accounting information disclosure, we can see through its development history find the key factors that affected it and provided useful advice

   Finally, this paper prospect the future of information disclosure .With the development of information technology, enterprise isn’t the only one provider of accounting information. The mode of information disclosure takes on complex. With the set up of self-aid accounting information system, the scope of accounting information system, the scope of accounting information has been extended. 

Key words:network accounting; information;disclosure; listed company






上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本文通过对网络环境下会计信息披露问题的研究,剖析了网络环境下会计信息披露的制度根源,并实证分析信息技术的应用对会计信息质量所产生的重大影响,借此对完善网络环境下的......
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