
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-13
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关键词: 谨慎性质量特征;本质;公允价值;坏账准备


Abstract:In the socialist market economic system the overall development process and the continuous development of the market economy conditions, due to competition and the growing risk of investment, accounting the objective economic environment of increasingly high degree of certainty, so that the users of accounting information to the accounting information quality requirements are increasingly high, to investors as the main accounting information users pay more attention to and uncertainties related to the risk of information disclosure. Therefore, careful application of the principle of inevitable, careful sex principle from scratch, from coarse to fine. Nowadays, the principle of prudent accounting is widely used in accounting, financial analysis process. The promulgation of the new" enterprise accounting system" and the specific accounting standards on the principle of prudence shall more clearly. People realize that, prudence principle in accounting practice and economic life in the application of our country, accelerate the pace with international standards has played a significant role in promoting. But because of the influence of many factors, from look at present, the principle of prudence in practical application is not ideal, the actual existence in applying to use careful sex principle to the phenomenon of profit manipulation, and the expected requirements exist many gaps.

   This article to the discrete principle nature and application status of general discussion, analysis of the principle of prudence in practical application as well as in the use of the problems, and put forward the corresponding improvement suggestions.

Key Words:The principle of caution;nature; Fair value; The allowance for doubtful accounts





上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本文对谨慎性质量特征本质和应用状况进行了一般性的论述,分析了谨慎性质量特征实际的运用以及在运用中出现的问题,并提出了相应的完善建议。......
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