
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-21
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Abstract:Accounting, referred to the application of electronic computer in accounting work is emerging theories and technologies of the computer as the representative of modern data processing tools and information theory, systems theory, cybernetics, databases and computer networks used in the accounting and financial management in order to enhance the accounting management level and economic efficiency so as to realize the modernization of the accounting work. Computerized accounting change accounting in the form of data storage, data processing procedures and methods to expand the field of accounting data, to improve the quality of accounting information, change the accounting internal control and audit methods and techniques, thus promoting the accounting theory and further development and improvement of accounting technology to promote the reform of the accounting management system is a fundamental change in accounting theory and accounting practice.

  Studying small and medium enterprises computerization of the problems and countermeasures aimed at improving accounting management level and economic efficiency, modernize accounting work. This article is to explore and analyze these problems and give related countermeasures.

Keyword: accounting computerization,hazard problem ,Strategy





上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:研究中小企业电算化存在的问题和对策的目的在于提高财会管理水平和经济效益,实现会计工作的现代化。本文针对这些问题加以探索和分析,并给出相关的对策。......
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