
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-21
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摘要:作业成本法是以作业为中心,通过对作业成本动因的确认和计量,进而以作业量为基础将资源耗费 (间接费用)分配到成本对象上,如把质量检验、机器维修和顾客服务等作业费用分配到产品成本中。作业成本法不是以成本论成本,而是把着眼点放在成本发生的前因后果上。


关键词: 作业成本法;物流成本;物流企业


Abstract:Activity-Based Costing is to work as the center, based on the activity cost drivers of the confirmation and measurement, and then to the amount of work will be based on the resource costs ( overhead) assigned to the cost objects, such as quality inspection, machine repair and customer service and other operating costs assigned to the cost of the product. Cost of operation law is not based on the cost, but the focus on cost in the antecedents and consequences.

   Since reforming and opening, our country economy got rapid development, but also ushered in the various challenges. The logistics industry as the national economy in an emerging service sector, is certainly no exception. In all kinds of opportunities and challenges, the logistics industry has become one of important pillar industries of national economy. With the rapid development of the logistics industry, the traditional cost accounting has been unable to meet the growing demand for logistics management. This paper from the aspects to collect information and related information, for logistics enterprise cost management problems, combined with the characteristics of logistics enterprise, on Activity-Based Costing in logistics enterprise this paper discusses the application of.

Key Words:Activity-Based Costing;Logistics Cost;Logistics enterprise





上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:随着物流业的快速发展,传统的成本核算已不能满足日益增长的物流业管理的需求。本文将从各个方面搜集资料及相关信息,针对物流企业成本管理中存在的问题,结合物流企业的特点......
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