
资料分类:单片机自动化 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-12
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关键词 单片机;PC机;水位控制


Abstract:In recent years as computer penetration in the field of social, SCM applications are constantly go, at the same time drive the traditional control detection, nissin month yi update. In real-time detection and automatic control single chip microcomputer application system, SCM is often as a core component to use, and only by the single chip microcomputer aspects simple control have been able to meet the market requirement, which requires the combination of hardware and software design more intelligent human nature of this design is made under a single chip machine, PC, PC do combining single-chip computer and PC machine to measure and monitor the water level has a certain intelligent design requirements, the maneuverability and stability is good

Keywords  Single chip microcomputer  The PC  Water level control

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:本方法所使用的电容通常由两块圆柱形极板或一个探极与罐壁构成。当液位不同时,电容器的介电常数就不同,故电容量也不同。在此基础上可以把电容量转化为电压、相移、频率、脉......
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