
资料分类:单片机自动化 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-29
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摘要: 随着单片机在各个领域的广泛应用,出现了许多用单片机作控制的球赛计时计分器。篮球比赛计时计分器是为了解决篮球比赛时计分与计时准确的问题。本设计以基本篮球规则为依据,可对篮球比赛比分实现控制,利用单片机AT89C51完成计时计分的功能。设计包括单片机AT89C51,计时显示电路,计分显示电路,报警电路和按键开关。24秒显示能按键控制24秒计时器,当控球时间超过24秒时,可发出警告音,报警部分采用蜂鸣器作为音响器件。计时器在每次暂停时自动开动计秒表且比赛在暂停时间,在每节结束或决胜期间时间终了可自动用非常响亮的信号通知。记分器可记录两队的积累分数。在计分过程中,若出现计分错误,还可以通过按键进行修改(根据具体情况可加减一分,两分,三分)。



Abstract:With the microcontroller widely used in various fields, a microcontroller for control of match timer and scoring device is used. Basketball game timing scoring is accurate scoring and timing in order to solve the game of basketball. This design is based on the basic rules of basketball, basketball game score control, AT89C51 microcontroller to complete the timed scoring function. The design includes a microcontroller AT89C51, the time display circuit, scoring a display circuit, alarm circuits and key switch. 24 seconds button control 24 seconds timer which issue a warning sound when the ball for more than 24 seconds and alarm parts buzzer as the audio device. The stopwatch timer automatically start each time you pause the game in the pause time at the end of each section or extra time during the end of a very loud signal notification automatically. The scoring can record the accumulated scores of the two teams. In the scoring process, if a scoring error, the keys can also be modified (as the case may be plus or minus one, two or three points).

Key words: Single chip microcomputer, scoring, timing, alarm, display


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:计时器在每次暂停时自动开动计秒表且比赛在暂停时间,在每节结束或决胜期间时间终了可自动用非常响亮的信号通知。记分器可记录两队的积累分数。在计分过程中,若出......
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