
资料分类:单片机自动化 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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Abstract:The single slice machine means a complete calculator system which integrates on a piece of chip. Though he greatly parts of functions integrate on a cake of small chip, but it has greatly parts of parts that a complete calculator needs: CPU, memory, inner part and the exterior total line system, greatly part of will also have an outside to save currently. Integrate in the meantime such as the communication of connect, in fixed time machine, actually and always clock etc. peripherals. But now the most strong single slice machine system even can voice, picture, network, the complicated importation output the system integrate on a piece of chip.

   An applied system of wireless tempcrature control by microcontroller is introduced in this paper. First,the microcontroller takes in the temperature, then the signal is transmitted, when the receiver receives the signal, the temperature is displanyed with the monitor. It uses STC89C52, DS18B20, NRF24L01, LCD1602 and other components to realize. The system has good performance in accuracy, real-time, power, costetc and commercial applications.

Key words: microcontroller; wireless transmission and reception; temperature detection;STC89C52;NRF24L01


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文介绍的是一个由单片构成的无线温度控制系统,系统首先单片机进行温度采集,然后进行无线发送,之后显示温度显示,它采用STC89C52单片机和DS18B20以及NRF24L01等其他器件实现......
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