
资料分类:单片机自动化 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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Abstract:Temperature is a common physical quantities, it plays a very important role in our lives, high and low temperature, directly determine the existence of the live or not; different temperature to create diverse life. Artificial temperature control, playing to improve the production efficiency and production yield. It is necessary to understand measurement and control of temperature. Thus, the thermometer design is indispensable. The traditional temperature detection mostly by the thermistor as a temperature sensor, but the thermistor temperature measurement reliability, low accuracy rate, and must pass through the dedicated interface circuit is converted into a digital signal to the single-chip microcomputer processes, production complex. With the development of science and technology and modern industry technology needs, temperature measurement technology will continue to improve and enhance. Increasingly high demand due to the increasingly wide rang of measurement accuracy. The traditional thermal resistance has been unable to meet this requirement, and the single chip microcomputer with strong function, small volume, low power consumption, low price, reliable work, use convenient wait for a characteristic crept into this field, good to improve the deficiency of the above, so the selection of SCM to make a thermometer.

  This paper is composed of single chip AT89S52as the main controller, DS18B20 as a temperature acquisition, a total of 4anode LED as a digital control display, the hardware circuit, software system to control the production of relatively simple digital thermometer, has the advantages of a wide range , accurate temperature and reading convenience.

Key words: Thermometer;Thermistor;Single chip microcomputer;DS18B20;Accurate temperature measurement


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文介绍的是由单片机AT89S52作为主控制器,DS18B20作温度采集,4位共阳极LED数码管作为显示器,经硬件电路连接,软件系统控制的制作相对简单的数字温度计,具有测温范围广、测温准......
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