
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-30
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ABSTRACT:Due to the very short afterglow time analog oscilloscope CRT, It's hard to show a low frequency signal and with fast rise and fall times of the low repeat rate signal is less likely to show, However scanning scan digital oscilloscope trace brightness and fast repeat rate has nothing to do with signal, it can be reflected very well. Using FPGA speed and calculation of advantage, further analysis showed the signal parameters.

   This double CPU and FPGA design using single-chip microcomputer control, combined with, relay modules, AC-DC switching module buffer modules, control module, integrated operational amplifier gain control module, wavy line datum level, AD sample chips of control circuit and TFT color LCD, complete signal waveform data processing and display functions.

   Double CPU means of is press scan with ATMega8 single tablets machine to scan, AD and other TFT displayed, with FPGA to programming implementation; increased has press soft power and PWM control screen gradually light gradually fight function, practical are enhanced; FIFO storage circuit, and displayed control circuit, and clock produced circuit, and measuring frequency and control circuit this several part circuit design in FPGA internal, makes programming comparison easy. Using FPGA speed and computing advantages and price advantage using single-chip design, improving the waveform display and handling precision and using high-contrast display devices to improve portable field performance of the times.

   This design any waveform can be displayed (20MHz, frequency bandwidth can achieve 3~5MHz sine wave frequency, wave 500KHz). Also implements the oscilloscope frequency amplitude calculation, calculation, and dual channel FFT transform a signal input.

Keywords: Oscilloscope;Single-chip computer;FPGA


上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:本设计运用单片机和FPGA进行双CPU控制,配合交直流切换模块、继电器模块、缓冲器模块、可控集成运算放大器模块、增益可控模块、波形线基准电平控制电路、AD采样芯片和TFT彩色液晶......
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