
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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ABSTRACT:Line loss rate is a comprehensive reflection of the grid planning and design, production and operation of the main economic and technical indicators and management level. Reduce the net loss rate, can reduce the energy consumption of electrical energy transmission and improve the power supply capacity, improve the economic efficiency of power supply enterprises. This paper describes the basic concepts of line loss and line loss calculation of significance, the line loss calculation method in theory, and then introduced to reduce the line loss management and technical measures, and finally the distribution system for a power supply enterprises theoretical line loss a special study, and in contrast with the actual operation of specific measures to reduce the system line loss and improvement program to improve the management level and economic efficiency of the power supply enterprise has obvious theoretical and practical significance.

Key Words:line loss;network loss;theoretical energy loss calculation;measure for reducing line

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:线损理论计算在国内和国外已经有很多比较成熟的方法,如均方根电流法﹑等值电阻法等。目前,线路损耗的计算方法分为两类:首先,网络组件的物理特性损失的基础上建立的等效模......
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