
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of the national economy, need of industrial electricity is also more and more urgent, the energy requirements are also higher. So the power system associated with the user is very important. This design according to the related data of a certain factory and the actual situation, the high-voltage power distribution on the factory power supply system design.

   According to the design of the first load the data on factory factory were calculated, and then according to the need for wattless power compensation. Determination of main transformer number and capacity according to the actual conditions of load, so as to determine the main wiring scheme, then the short-circuit current calculation, as a basis for the selection of electrical equipment, and then the selection and setting of relay protection and lightning protection and grounding. This design choice in the factory set up the total step-down substation first voltage drop for the factory power supply voltage of 6kV, then reduced by the plant substation voltage needed for load. 

   The design result can meet the characteristics of the power plant safety, reliable, high quality, economy, and ensure the stable operation of the plant electrical equipment, less investment, high practicality.

Keywords: 6kV;high pressure distribution by the power compensation;electrical wiring;power compensation;relay protection

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:工厂的规模、生产任务和产品规格:本工厂主要负责全国冶金工业冶炼及轧钢设备的配件生产,以生产铸造、锻压、铆焊、毛坯件为主。年生产铸钢件1200t,铸铁件2800t,锻件1200t,铆焊......
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