
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-12
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摘要:随着网络、计算机、数据库等相关技术的不断发展和完善,也极大地完善了自动化系统。根据配料生产的特点和要求,介绍了皮带秤S7-300 PLC自动配料控制系统的设计方案及仿真、使用方法。系统完成了配料系统的设计要求,并对控制系统的主要控制功能以及结构作了详细的介绍。而且着重说明了STEP7软件选用、安装、梯形图程序设计及整体系统的调试等情况。


关键词 皮带秤;s7-300;PLC;配料


Abstract:With the computers, networks, databases and other related technologies continue to develop and improve, the automation system consummate great. In this thesis, the ingredients produced in accordance with the characteristics and requirements, introduced the belt weigher S7-300 PLC automatic control system design and simulation.The thesis completed the system design requirements for ingredients, and control systems, as well as the main control structure in detail. And highlighted the STEP7 software selection, installation, ladder programming and debugging the whole system and so on.

   Application of PLC significantly improved product quality and production efficiency,Ingredients in the whole industry has broad application prospects. Batching system in many sectors of industrial production process of an extremely important position, the rationality of process ingredients, stability, accuracy and speed after a direct impact on the smooth progress of production.The advantages of PLC are simple external wiring, internal process variable, do not change the wiring in the circumstances, be included in the design process, a short work cycle, the internal relay is soft register, there is no contact, low failure rate, long life, anti-jamming ability, short execution time, application instructions and more can be achieved and so the complexity of control functions. traditional relay inadequacies have contact systems, the high failure rate, average repair time, a shorter life-span, power consumption, and change system will be re-wiring, heavy workload, prone to error, execution time and so on. This is the use of PLC for control reasons. At the same time,Of the PLC structure, working principle and classification are introduced.

Keywords  belt weigher  s7-300  PLC  ingredients

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:对于本实验,PLC的关键作用为明白外部开关所发出的信号包括按钮、继电器触点等等与传感器产生的数字信号的输入,诊断当前的PLC状态和输出信号,监控各类器件,以达到其监控的目......
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