
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-12
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关键词 数据采集器;USB;系统设计


Abstract:Data acquisition system through the serial port, parallel port or internal bus is connected to the computer, but they all have one obvious disadvantage, namely the installation is not very convenient, flexibility is limited. USB is a foreign bus standard, used to regulate computer connections and communications with external devices. 

   In this paperdescribes theUSB architectureand data flowof relevant contentand data acquisitionsystem design,data acquisitionsystem designincluding hardware design, firmwareprogramming,driver developmentand application developmentof four parts.In the hardwaresection describes the CY7C68013 chipperformance and features, and then givesan AD converter, microcontroller,interface chipconnections.Program developmentpart isthe focus ofthe design, the paperdescribes the overalldesignof the programand thehierarchy.

Keywords  The data collector  USB  The system design

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:USB接口的出现,很好的解决了这方面的问题。它不仅具有快速的传输性能,而且USB协议本身具有很强的纠错能力,另外它的即插即用模式和易扩展性都有很强的发展前途和应用价值......
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