
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-12
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关键词 立体停车库;控制系统;可编程序控制器


Abstract:Nowmore and more people have individual cars in our country. The open-parking ground couldn’t meet the needs of the markets. Owning a construct of mechanical parking system which has more parking space, less room, simple method of operation, Safe and reliable performance is an effective method to solve the problem of parking. This system controls the change of the empty wagon position by PLC, which will reach the aim that makes the car realize the function of multiple single plane parking. This research programs by CPU226, and set up a research of the vertical lifting and transferring parking whose aim is to achieve semi-automatic operation through the design of certain mechanical structure of the garage .

Keywords  Stereo garage   Control system   PLC

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:立体停车设备有各种各样的形式,升降横移式立体停车库是中小型立体车库中典型的集机电于一体的产品,因为占地面积很小,型号又比较多,而且规模既可大又可小,对于场地的适应......
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