
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-12
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关键词  住宅小区;供配电;负荷计算


Abstract:This dissertation was Based on Runtian Duhui community of Guannan county, Jiangsu province, the relevant design related to this dissertation was implemented by combining DB knowledge acquired at campus with field background of community, thereby designing comprehensive DB system of community.

   First of all, this thesis give brief introduction to integrated development of domestic residence community. Then DB grid of community was calculated by combining basic information of community designed in this thesis. Based on the above calculation, after High and low voltage power distribution system of community and equipment needed in this design were elaborated, the type of Transformation and distribution equipment in the community was completed, and relevant protection, as well as lightening  guard was arranged as well, resulting in all design about Transformation and distribution system of community being completed finally. 

The keyword  In residential areas  supply and distribution  Load Calculation

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:在我国城市配电网发展过程中,独立配电的方式在我国存在了很长一段时间。这种投资方式需要很高的资金投入,老旧而且独立的配电房于现代化的商业住宅小区显得格格不入,影响小......
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