
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:常常同学 更新时间:2013-05-25
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   Abstract: Along with the urban construction development unceasing, the high rise building increases unceasingly too. The elevator as a high-rise building of transport has been closely linked with people's daily life. This article taking Japanese Mitsubishi Siemens S7200 series PLC for example, fourth floor elevator as the design, details the plc’s application in the elevator control system, through the reference and working mechanism of elevator control system, software designing of PLC, emulation software of PLC. PLC control system can make elevator running in a accurate and credible way.

   The research projects cover the following two questions: First, PLC control means the elevator signal control software to achieve by the PLC control system. Second, stability and security operations are an important basis for performance evaluation of the elevator, the design Kingview configuration software based on real-time applications that run on the elevator control program. Communication interface of the program collected through the PLC-controlled real-time simulation of elevators operating data, the use of configuration software Kingview scene involving the elevator control system, through the overall design and animation presentations, field devices to achieve real-time monitoring, remote Control, Kingview configuration software and the introduction of the elevator control further studies has a positive meaning.

Keywords: Kingview;PLC;Elevator;Monitoring System

上传会员 常常同学 对本文的描述:摘要:随着城市建设的不断发展,高层建筑不断增多,电梯作为高层建筑中垂直运行的交通工具已与人们的日常生活密不可分。本文以西门子S7200系列PLC为控制器件,以四层电梯为设计对......
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