
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-30
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ABSTRACT:Mine hoist in coal mine production plays a very important role, it is the key equipment in mine production. The technical performance of Hoist electrical control device is good and bad, which not only directly affects the production efficiency and safety, but also represents a mine hoist the overall level of development. The traditional AC drive system has significant shortcomings: speed control performance is poor, when speed, energy consumed are in a large amount, low control precision, safety protection, safety reliability is poor, maintenance workload is heavy, and running is uneconomic. 

   This paper fist to analyze the principle of the mine hoist control system, then mine hoist control system, loading or unloading system in vertical shaft and hoisting signal system are reformed by automation reconstruction. Use programmable controller ( PLC ) control to replace the large amount of manual operation, to realize the lifting machine safety protection, improve the degree of automation of hoist.

Keywords: Mine Hoist; Control System; PLC; Design


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:本文首先对矿井提升机控制系统进行了原理分析,然后通过对矿井提升机传动控制系统、主井装卸载系统和提升信号系统的自动化改造,用可编程控制器(PLC)控制取代大量的人工操作......
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