
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-30
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Abstract:This system to Buck and Boost the chopper circuit as the core, with STC89C52RC single chip computer is used as controller based on collection points of piezoelectric road voltage, through the A/D conversion chip (TLC2543) will be collected to the voltage converted into digital signals told A single-chip microcomputer, single chip will be the signal processing, through the LCM12864ZK liquid crystal display the input, and judge the voltage height, the control relay through to Boost circuit or step-down circuits, systems through to Boost circuit or step-down circuit get 4.0 V voltage output, and once again the output voltage value will be as analog signals through the A/D conversion for digital signal told A single-chip microcomputer, SCM took the signal processing control LCM12864ZK liquid crystal and shows that the output voltage. Among them is used to boost MAX629 chip, step-down circuit adopts Mc34063 chip. System in the input voltage range is 1 V-20 V realization of automatic lift pressure function, liquid crystal display the input and output. Tests show that, the work to the topic request and the expected results.

Key words: Buck circuit; Booster circuit; STC89C52RC; Liquid crystal display


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:本系统以Buck和Boost斩波电路为核心,以STC89C52RC单片机为主控制器,根据采集分压电路上的电压,通过A/D转换芯片(TLC2543)将采集到的电压转换成数字信号告诉单片机,单片机将所得信号......
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