
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我爱我家 更新时间:2013-05-22
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【关键词】就业协议   法律效力  违约责任


Employment Agreement of the legal effect of college students 

【Summary】 Students with times changing employment situation, reflected in many ways, how to better protect its interests, and a correct understanding of the role of the employment agreement can not be overlooked. The paper will provide the content for some of the employment agreement for reference, has some theoretical and practical significance. Graduate Employment Agreement Employment of College Students in the current plays a very important role. Students from the nature of employment agreements that are pre-contract, the force of law, breach of employment agreement, the parties shall bear legal liability. School students as one of the main employment agreement with the students and employers have the same rights under the agreement and obligations. 【Keywords】 employment  the nature of liability  breach of agreement 

上传会员 我爱我家 对本文的描述:【摘要】大学生就业形势的多变与与时俱进,表现在多方面,如何更好的保护其利益以及正确认识就业协议的作用不容小视。该论文将提供对于就业协议的内容的部分参考,具有一定的......
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