
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我爱我家 更新时间:2013-05-22
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【关键词】涉诉信访  问题  完善


【Abstract】At present, The lawswit and the letters and visits is one of the big difficult problems puzzling the work of court and influencing the social stability, In recent years, we have tried various ways to solve the problem of the lawswit and the letters and visits,but the situation is more pressing: the claims of letters and visits go beyond the judicial scope; the means of letters and visits becomes more gruelling and exceeding. The work of the lawswit and the letters and visits is encountering greater difficulties than ever. This article analyzes thoroughly the present condition and origin of the lawswit and the letters and visits by studing its concept and features.On the basis of this, I raise my tentative ideas basic of perfecting the working system of the lawswit and the letters and visits, I hope this will be of great benefit to the solution to the problem of the lawswit and the letters and visits.

【Key words】The lawswit and the letters and visits;  predicament;  solution

上传会员 我爱我家 对本文的描述:【摘要】涉诉信访是目前困扰法院工作、影响社会稳定的一大难题。近年来,虽然对解决涉诉信访问题进行了诸多改革的尝试,但涉诉信访的形势却更加严峻,信访要求常常超出司法的......
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