
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-19
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【关键词】房地产 国家调控 借贷管制政策   


【Abstract】In 2010 , China Center for International Economic Exchanges said in public that China's current price earnings ratio has more than 15 times, in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other places, the ratios are over 50 times. Obviously, the bubble is serious. According to the World Bank standards, price earnings ratio in developed countries are generally between 1.8-5.5 times, and that of developing countries at a reasonable price earnings ratio are between 3-6 times. Currently, housing price-to-income ratio has been fifteen times than before at home. The rising range of real estate price has surpassed that of national economy. What leads to the non-rational growth in real estate price? How to use law and borrowing and lending policies to regulate real estate market? An analysis of purpose and reason of borrowing and non-rational growth in real estate is presented in this thesis based on real estate price and related theories. In addition, the thesis aims to provide advises on conducting policies on borrowing and lending with the purpose of healthy real estate market after learning the experience from other countries.

【Key words】Real estate; National regulation; Lending control policy


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:国家该如何利用法律手段调控房地产市场,国家应当如何通过借贷管制政策来调控房地产市场?本文通过阐述房地产价格及相关理论,剖析房地产非理性增长和借贷的作用原因,并借鉴......
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