
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-25
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Abstract:The Internet widely available, personal information known as the 21st century's most valuable resource. Each are big the businessman is aware of consumer personal information contained in the huge commercial value, in order to capture market share, expanding the business and so on many kinds of commercial purposes, each big companies began to the personal information of consumers trading, and even appeared specializes in consumer personal information sales, public wares of personal information consumers illegal business organization. The fee personal information rights of the businessman ceaselessly by gratuitous invasion, and our country's existing laws to protect, there are defects and difficult. This paper described the protection of personal information of consumers the importance of reflection of our consumer  personal information protection status and problems of the protection of consumer  personal information barriers, and then systematically introduces the European Union, the United States, Japan and China Hong Kong, Taiwan, consumer protection legislation personal information mode, the main system and its significance in China and puts forward the personal information of our consumer protection legislation, the initial idea, including the legislative model and the main content.

Key Words :Personal information,rights,legal protection




上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:个人信息保护制度关乎我国公民的个人权益和社会主义市场经济秩序的正常运行,尽快的完善个人信息保护制度对于我国的法律制度完善和公民个人权利的保护都起到举足轻重的作用,......
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