
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-27
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Abstract:Marriage law of our country has been reflected in general provisions of article fourth of marriage law legislative purpose provision:" husband and wife should be loyal to each other, mutually respect each other; family members shall respect the old and love the young, help each other." The social and moral into law, the freedom of marriage and moral self esteem between Daniel solid method, thus to promote the sound development of the legal system of marriage. This principle is husband and wife marital relations firm cornerstone, is the marriage and family relationship content concentration.

     Our country about the faithful duty of husband and wife, there is no clear provisions of what is the faithful duty of husband and wife, just a couple should be loyal to each other, thus to improve the ethics of marriage relationship, better respect our monogamy, protects the interests between husband and wife, so conducive to children's healthy growing up, we should first clear duty legally defined, we must know its legal attribute, and then know it in the legislation of our country 's limitation, finally found the perfect method, including foreign regulations, clear violate faithful duty of husband and wife specified elements and clearly violates the faithful duty of husband and wife. Shall bear the corresponding liability.

Key Words:Marriage law;monogamy;faithful duty of husband and wife


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:我国关于夫妻忠实义务的规定,目前还没有很明确规定何为夫妻忠实义务,只是道出了夫妻应该相互忠实,因而要想改善婚姻伦理关系,更好地尊重我国的一夫一妻制度,保护夫妻之间......
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