
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-27
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关键词:罪行豁免; 污点证人; 证人保护


Abstract:The Tainted Witness Immunity System is an important tool used in criminal proceedings.  It is designed to effectively combat criminal activities while protect the rights of criminal suspects at the same time. In China, such a function has been successfully implemented in the field of justice but has not yet been legislated. Practically speaking, incorporating the Tainted Witness Immunity System into legislation is undoubtedly beneficial at strengthening social security, especially in the face of increasingly gang-related, professionally organized and well-hidden large-scale crimes nowadays. This paper consists of four sections. The first section introduces the related concepts of tainted witness and immunity of tainted witness.  The second section focuses on demonstrating the practical significance and positive effect of tainted witness in the justice field by considering its origination and essence. The third section further illustrates the importance of such a system through the analysis of some relevant experiences from other countries as well as the current legislation in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The last part concludes by discussing how to establish a suitable Tainted Witness Immunity System in China.

Key words: crime exemption;tainted witness;witness protection


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:第一部分从污点证人及污点证人作证豁免的概念进行介绍。第二部分从污点证人的产生、实质和在司法领域的积极作用分析其价值。第三部分通过对国外污点证人豁免制度及我国港台的......
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