
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-27
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Abstract:Along with the rise of overseas migration requires States to recognize the dual citizenship system calls, also led to a heated debate on the issue of dual nationality. For reasons of national interest requires, the nationality law should be amended as soon as possible, to compete in China, adhere to the "one person, one who" on the basis of limited recognition of dual nationality. This article explain the causes of the question of dual nationality, and recognizes the need for dual objective in our country, and combined with the fact that analysis of the positive effects of dual nationality in China, in the final from the deficiencies in China's present situation and explore ways of perfecting the current nationality law provisions on dual nationality.

Key words:Nationality;Dual nationality;Citizenship law




上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:通过阐述双重国籍问题的产生原因和我国承认双重国籍的客观需要,并结合事实存在情况分析双重国籍对我国的积极影响,最后从我国现状与缺陷中探索完善我国现行国籍法关于双重国......
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