
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-28
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Abstract:When the contract party violates the contract, take effective relief method can avoid or reduce losses, be helpful for international trade activities smoothly. And compensation for damage, as a contract for the international sale of goods of the main breach relief way, its feasibility than other default relief way is strong, and in damages the relief at the same time does not affect the use of other relief measures implementation, so no matter in the contract for the international sale of goods or other international trade contract are more common. In this paper, based on comparative analysis of the relevant provisions of the civil law of Anglo-American law and international uniform contract law, it is suggested that the Contract Law of China to determine the gains offset the losses and the contributory negligence rule; clear that a breach of contract include compensation for moral damage; increase provides for the principle to determine the breach of contract damages amount.

Key words:International trade; Business contract; Contract Breach Remedy; compensation for breach of contract


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:在对比分析大陆法英美法和国际统一合同法有关规定的基础上,建议我国合同法要确定损益相抵与过失相抵规则;明确规定违约是否包括精神损害赔偿;增加原则性规定以确定违约损害......
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