
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-28
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Abstract:Civil action mediation system has an important role in the civil lawsuit system in China,it can resolve conflicts in time, maintain social stability,save judicial resources,and plays a great role in promoting economic development.But there are still some problems in the following aspects: the syncretism mode of mediation and trial in the system design level,the rules of making the facts clearly and distinguishing between right and wrong,and giving the parties the right of rescission.These problems may lead to the issues of frequent mandatory conciliation,no force mediation agreement,etc.In the meantime,in the judicial operation, some problems also exist:  non-standard procedural law,one-sided emphasis on mediation completion rates and preference for mediation which is contrary to the concept that professional ethics of judges must be neutral.This article analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the existing civil action mediation system,and puts forward specific ideas of perfecting the civil action mediation system,hoping to make civil action mediation system to play a greater role.

Key words: mediation;civil action mediation;freedom of consciousness; separation of control


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:在司法操作层面上也存在着如程序法约束不规范、片面强调调解结案率产生调解的偏好与法官必须保持中立的职业道德相悖。本文通过对我国现行民事诉讼调解制度的优势和弊端进行分......
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