
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-03
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关键词:人权保障  刑事诉讼法  刑事被告人


Abstract:Human rights refer to a person as a person entitled to, or enjoyment of fundamental rights. Protection of human rights issues as a focal point of world attention, from the United Nations to various countries for the promotion of basic human rights and freedoms of making unremitting efforts. To meet the Chinese Government to fulfill its obligations under international human rights conventions and promote the protection of human rights requirements of the process, against our country vulnerable to violations of criminal suspects and the accused of human rights issues, made clear China's current "Code of Criminal Procedure," the implementation of the status quo. Pointed out that China's existing Code of Criminal Procedure relating to criminal suspects and the accused existed with regard to protection of human rights abuse of power investigation authorities, the suspects could not have full access right to legal counsel, the defendant's right to defense is difficult to fully exercise the lack of a clear rule of excluding illegally obtained evidence the trial process flaws, and many lack the light of some countries on strengthening of criminal suspects and the accused of human rights protection measures as well as international human rights provisions of the Convention put forward concrete proposals for improving China's Criminal Procedure Law. 

Key Words:Protection of human rights  Code of Criminal Procedure  Criminal defendants

上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:指出了我国现行刑事诉讼法有关犯罪嫌疑人和被告人人权保障方面存在着的侦察机关滥用权力、犯罪嫌疑人无法充分获得律师帮助权、被告人的辩护权难以充分行使、缺乏明确的非法证......
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