
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-08
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Abstract:Right of equality is the basic right of citizens given by the constitution which covers the equality in employment. As main force of employment, university graduates however suffering from employment discrimination is considered as usual and greatly weakened the enthusiasm of graduates, therefore do great harm to the development and stability of our society due to a lack of realization and protection to the right of equality in reality. This article takes condition of graduates from universities in the city of Guangzhou as a breakthrough point, analysis the discriminations they face in their course of employment, comparatively reference to the status in the field of equal employment of other countries and puts forward to improve university students’ right of equality in employment. To improve university students’ right of equality in employment and maintain their basic rights as a laborer has positive significance in motivating the employment of students, promoting economic development rapidly and constructing a harmonious society.

Key words:university graduates;employment discretion;the discretion;equal right of equality




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:对其他国家在平等就业领域研究的对比与借鉴,提出完善大学生平等就业权的建议。实现大学生平等就业,维护其作为劳动者基本合法权益,对于激励大学生就业、促进经济快速发展、......
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