
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-08
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Abstract:Cases of trademark infringement in China are emerging one after another and the forms of infringement become diversified. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to define the trademark infringement. Strengthening the protection of trademark, is not only the needs of protecting interests of consumers, producers and operators, is but also inevitable need to implement the national intellectual property strategy. However, in the China’s trademark law that trademark and the goods(or service) are the same or similar is considered as the standard of trademark infringement; this standard does not accord with the function of trademark, or stops behavior of trademark infringement. The article tries discourses the existing problems in the judicial practice and legislation in China, while learn the foreign the judging standard of the trademark infringement, further puts forward suggestions of the judging standard of the trademark infringement.

Key  words: trademark;trademark infringement;likelihood of confusion;consumers


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:论述了我国商标侵权判定在立法规范和相关制度方面存在的不足,同时借鉴国外商标侵权判定标准的相关经验,进而提出完善我国商标侵权判定标准的建议。......
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