
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-08
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Abstract:With the accelerating process of judicial reform and international cooperation on extradition with the extensive development in the solution of cross-border crime has played an important role in the extradition system has revealed some problems, and gradually become obstacles to cooperation on extradition. Therefore, this analysis starting from the value of the extradition regime, legal and social values ​​of the extradition system, on the basis of comprehensive analysis of four aspects of the main problems of the current extradition system, the third part describes international law on extradition the new development of the system, describes the principle of dual incrimination principles and its own citizens, political prisoners, extradition does not extradite the weakening of the principle, in the end to try to perfect the necessity on the basis of the extradition regime in China China's extradition system put forward a sound proposal.

Key words:  Extradition; Judicial assistance; International Law




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:阐述了国际法上引渡制度的新发展,描述了双重归罪原则、政治犯不引渡原则和本国公民不引渡原则的弱化,最后在完善我国引渡制度的必要性基础上尝试着对我国引渡制度提出完善的......
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