
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-13
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Abstract:With the imcrease in criminal mystery as well as the People’s Court in the case acquitted for insufficient evidence of increasing efforts to make the prosecution bears a heavier liability.Code of criminal Procedure,1966 an increase of insufficient evidence not to prosecuite,there is insufficient evidence acquitted the provisions,and these cases are consistent with the arrest of some of the comditions of these cases should be compensation,“National Compensation Act”are unclear,resulting in the judicial application of the non-uniform.The arrest of the wrong definition of mistake of catching the criminal liability of compensation principles and catch mistake scope of criminal compensation be discussed,and contact with China’s specific national conditions and criminal justice practice,learn from Westem criminal compensation system’s successful experience of the current Chinese system of compensation for criminal mistake catch the main problem,as well as on the ongoing reform of the criminal justice system to explore a complete set of China’s mistake of catching the criminal compensation system a few specific ideas about the reform.

Key words:wrongly arrested;criminal compensation;critenion of liability;system perfection


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文重点从逮捕条件的正确理解、错误逮捕的界定、错捕刑事赔偿的归责原则以及错捕刑事赔偿范围等方面予以论述,并联系中国的具体国情和刑事司法实践,借鉴西方刑事赔偿制度的......
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