
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-13
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Abstract:The people's mediation, refers to the people's mediation committee through persuasion, persuation method, the parties on an equal footing based on voluntary mediation agreement is reached, the activity to solve civil disputes. In the people's mediation committee under the auspices of the parties voluntarily, to settle the dispute. This is a kind of civil disputes, its purpose is to eliminate the disputes, resolve contradiction. In this paper, through the analysis of the people 's mediation system in the judicial practice of the importance of the people's mediation system; analysis of our current development and the existing defects; and then the our country people's mediation system and the relevant foreign mediation system were compared; finally in the light of our country the people's mediation system has the defects and disadvantages of existed in attempt to put forward practical reform proposal and perfection

Key words: mediation system,mediation of disputes,people's mediation




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文先分析我国的人民调解制度在司法实践中的重要性、发展现状和现存缺陷,然后将我国人民调解制度与国外相关调解制度进行比较,得出借鉴经验,最后针对我国人民调解制度所存......
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